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The E Ink Advantage: How It Beats Other Screens in Real Life

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The Unsung Hero of Modern Display Technology

At Mudita, we've been fans of E Ink technology for quite some time, recognizing its unique benefits long before it became a mainstream choice. 

While bright, colorful LCD, LED, and OLED screens often steal the spotlight, we've always appreciated the subtle, yet at the same significant advantages that E Ink offers in real-world scenarios.

Our community knows that our fascination with E Ink isn't merely theoretical. We've integrated this technology into our product line, starting with our first phone, Mudita Pure, continuing with our Mudita Harmony alarm clock, and now featuring in our latest product, Mudita Kompakt. Each of these devices leverages E Ink's distinctive qualities to enhance user experience and well-being. 

Mudita Harmony 2 & the original Mudita Harmony in Pebble Grey

Mudita's first E Ink device- Mudita Pure

Now, let's explore the unique strengths of E Ink and why it outperforms its flashier counterparts in key applications.

1. Superb Outdoor Readability

Imagine trying to read your smartphone screen on a bright, sunny day. The glare, the reflections, and the washed-out colors make it nearly impossible. 

This is where E Ink shines—literally. E Ink displays are reflective, meaning they use ambient light to make the content visible, rather than relying on backlighting. 

This allows E Ink screens to be easily readable even in direct sunlight, making them perfect for outdoor applications like e-readers, public signage, and information displays. 

Unlike LCDs and OLEDs, which struggle under bright conditions, E Ink maintains high contrast and clear visibility, making it the ideal choice for those who need readability wherever they go.

2. Great Energy Efficiency

Battery life is a constant concern in our tech-driven world. Whether it’s an e-reader, a smartwatch, or even an electronic shelf label, the longer a device can operate without needing a recharge, the better. 

E Ink displays are incredibly energy-efficient because they only use power when the content on the screen changes. Once an image or text is displayed, it stays there without consuming additional power. 

This feature makes E Ink displays ideal for devices that need to show information over long periods without frequent updates, significantly extending battery life compared to LCD, LED, and OLED screens. This is also precisely why eBook readers use E Ink technology. 

3. Minimal Eye Strain

Prolonged screen time is a reality for many of us, whether we’re reading a novel on an e-reader, taking notes on a digital paper device, or simply browsing the web. One of the standout advantages of E Ink technology is its ability to reduce eye strain. 

Unlike traditional screens, which emit light directly into the eyes, E Ink displays reflect light in a manner similar to ink on paper. This reduces the amount of blue light exposure, which is known to contribute to digital eye strain. In fact, according to a 2023 study, spending a lot of time looking at blue light, especially from backlit LCD screens, can harm the eyes by causing stress in retinal cells. This stress leads to the production of harmful molecules (ROS) that can damage the cells' energy centers, called mitochondria. These mitochondria go from being healthy and connected to becoming broken and disconnected, which is a sign of cell damage. However, screens like E Ink, which emit much less blue light, cause much less stress and damage, making them a better option for reducing eye strain and protecting eye health.[1]

For instance, the Mudita Kompakt, a mindful touchscreen phone designed to promote healthy technology use, leverages an E Ink display to ensure unmatched eye comfort. 

The screen does not emit harmful blue light, making it an excellent choice for those who prioritize eye health. Whether you're reading an eBook or simply navigating through the phone's interface, the paper-like quality of Mudita Kompakt's E Ink screen provides a more natural and comfortable viewing experience, allowing users to engage with their devices for longer periods without the usual discomfort associated with traditional screens.

READ: E Ink and The Eyestrain Debate

4. Sustainability and Low Environmental Impact

As the world becomes increasingly conscious of its environmental impact, the sustainability of our technology choices matters more than ever. E Ink displays are not only energy-efficient, but also contribute to reducing electronic waste. Devices using E Ink, such as electronic shelf labels (ELS) or digital signage, often have longer lifespans and lower energy requirements, which in turn reduces the carbon footprint associated with their use. 

FUN FACT: A 2023 report published by the University of British Columbia highlighted that replacing traditional paper shelf labels with electronic shelf labels (ESLs) in retail stores can significantly reduce paper waste and lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Specifically, one ESL can replace approximately 5,840 paper labels over an 8-year period, saving around 8.52 kg of CO2 equivalent emissions per ESL. [2]

In applications where reducing power consumption and maintenance costs are crucial, like in smart cities, green offices, and sustainable retail environments, E Ink technology is a clear winner over more energy-hungry displays. 

5. Flexible and Durable Applications

E Ink technology isn’t just confined to rigid screens; it can be produced on flexible substrates, opening up a world of possibilities for innovative applications. [3]

Think of digital signage that wraps around a curved surface or wearables that conform to the body’s contours. E Ink displays are lightweight, durable, and capable of bending without breaking, unlike traditional glass-based LCDs and OLEDs. 

This flexibility allows E Ink to be used in creative and practical ways that are simply not possible with other display technologies, making it an exciting option for designers and engineers alike.

6. Extended Shelf Life and Static Displays

In many scenarios, information needs to be displayed continuously without frequent updates, the previously mentioned electronic price tags, conference badges, or even museum exhibits. E Ink excels in these situations because it consumes power only when the screen content changes. 

This unique capability allows E Ink displays to maintain static images or text with virtually no energy use, making them perfect for applications where content remains unchanged for long durations. This not only conserves energy, but at the same time also extends the operational life of devices, making E Ink a practical and cost-effective choice.

7. Gentle on the Eyes in Low-Light Environments 

Reading in low-light environments can be challenging with traditional backlit screens, which often emit harsh light that can be uncomfortable over time. 

E Ink displays, however, can be paired with front lighting that provides a soft, evenly distributed light across the screen. This feature allows for comfortable reading in dimly lit rooms or at night without straining the eyes.

Our new phone, Mudita Kompakt excels in this regard, offering a customizable backlight that allows users to adjust the brightness to their preference. This feature, combined with the inherent eye-friendly nature of E Ink, makes Mudita Kompakt an ideal companion for nighttime reading. 

The eBook reader app in Mudita Kompakt ensures that you can enjoy a distraction-free, paper-like reading experience even in low-light settings, helping you wind down at the end of the day without the glare and discomfort of conventional screens.

8. Always-On Information Displays

For devices that need to display information continuously, such as weather stations, clocks, or digital signage, E Ink’s low power consumption makes it the perfect choice. 

Because it only uses energy when the content changes, E Ink displays can remain on and functional for extended periods without draining the battery quickly. This makes E Ink displays particularly well-suited for always-on information displays that require a constant visual presence without the high energy costs associated with traditional screens.

The Real-World Champion

While LCD, LED, and OLED displays undoubtedly offer stunning visuals and vibrant colors, they are not always the best choice for every application. E Ink technology, with its unique advantages in outdoor readability, energy efficiency, eye comfort, sustainability, flexibility, and more, proves that sometimes, simpler is better. 

In the real world, where factors like battery life, visibility, and durability matter, E Ink consistently outperforms its more glamorous counterparts.

At Mudita, we have long recognized the unique benefits of E Ink. Our journey with this technology began with our first device, Mudita Pure, a premium minimalist feature phone that embraced E Ink for its eye-friendly and energy-efficient qualities. This commitment to E Ink extended to our line of mindful alarm clocks, Mudita Harmony and Mudita Harmony 2, which also features E Ink displays to promote a peaceful start to the day without the harshness of traditional screens.

Superb Readability in Direct Sunlight

Now, with the introduction of  Mudita Kompakt, our mindful touchscreen phone, we continue to refine our approach to E Ink technology, ensuring that our users experience the very best in comfort and functionality. 

Our ongoing work with E Ink reflects our belief that technology should enhance well-being, not detract from it, a philosophy that has guided us from the very beginning.

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