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Do you use Facebook as a quick break between exhausting tasks? You aren't alone. For many people, these breaks are turning into anxiety and distraction, making it harder to return to work.
reSTART promotes a "sustainable digital lifestyle" to tech addicts in Washington. Mixing sports with time offline, it's no wonder why people come out as typical Pacific Northwesterners.
If someone doesn't respond to a sad post doesn't mean they don't care. The complex algorithms behind everyone's feed favoring updates with more engagement are selective in what they show.
Most people read user-generated content every day. Compared to reading a book, not nearly as many vital regions of the brain are engaged, including imagination or selective attention.
Once the substance we abuse, has our attention, we are hooked for life. Cured alcoholics never touch alcohol again, but with nomophobia, it isn't so simple.
Since the evolution of smartphones, our brains' cognitive and memory capacities have plummeted. Set and adhere to rules to ensure the most powerful computers on the planet some growth each day.
As users search for a cure to nomophobia, feature phone sales up by five percent year on year in 2018. On the other hand, smartphone sales show a mere two percent increase.
More and more well-being apps are removed from stores to lower Apple and Google's competition of apps. These native apps do not seem to balance user insight with action.
Digital minimalism
Meditation and mindfulness
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The Pew Research Center asked people living in the US about their opinion on the role of digital technology. Over half were positive on the effects society, but a growing number are concerned.